Sunday, June 05, 2005

The YUdaica Authors...

I write in my final YUdaica article:
I have the supreme hakarat hatov for all of the [following] authors [listed below in alphabetical order, with a link to their article,] who took from their busy schedules to contribute to the section. YUdaica would have been impossible without their enthusiasm and excitement in joining the project. And on top of it all, they all withstood the torrent of my incessant emails, when we regularly asked for revised story boards and submission dates.
Zalman Alpert, Abraham Avrech, Steven Bayme, Shalom Z. Berger, Moshe J. Bernstein, Ruth A. Bevan, Jack Bieler, Yitzchak Blau, Menachem Bloch, Jay Braverman, Steve Brizel, Avraham Bronstein, Michael J. Broyde, Shalom Carmy, Herbert Cohen, Donald S. Davis, Michael Eisenberg, Seth Farber, Hillel (Harry) Furstenberg, Stephen Gelbart, David Gleicher, Irving Greenberg, Lawrence Grossman, Joan G. Haahr, Leonard Hammer, Nathaniel Helfgot, Jerry Hochbaum, Jonathan Hodes, Joshua Hoffman, Morris Kalka, Nathan Kamenetsky, Robert Kantowitz, Benjamin Kelsen, Earl Klein, Robert (Aryeh) Klapper, Barry J. Konovitch, Eugene Korn, Henry Kressel, Norman Lamm, Will Lee, B. Barry Levy, Aharon Lichtenstein, Joseph M. Lipner, Moses Mescheloff, Yehudah Mirsky, Elazar Muskin, Joshua L. Muss, Joseph Pessah, Israel Poleyeff, Jacob Rabinowitz, Emanuel Rackman, Stanley Raskas, Aaron I. Reichel, Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff, Shlomo Riskin, Bernhard Rosenberg, Reuben Rudman, Sheldon Rudoff, Yehuda Sarna, Jacob J. Schacter, Marvin Schick, Alvin I. Schiff, Mayer Schiller, Larry Schulman, Charles Sheer, Abraham D. Sofaer, Fred Sommers, Moshe Chaim Sosevsky, Eliyahu Stern, Gil Student, Robert N. Taub, Chaim I. Waxman [1,2], Howard Wettstein, Leon Wildes, Tzvee Zahavy, Efraim Zuroff, Michoel Zylberman.


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